It's a Jungle Out There, black, white gesso and oil pastel on cardboard, 42” x 48”

The Coat, black, white gesso, oil pastel on canvas, 36” x 24”

Dia de los Muertos, black gesso and oil pastels on paper, 36" x 42"

Sardines, black gesso and oil pastels on paper, 40" x 32"

The Art of Balance, acrylic, oil pastel on canvas, 48” x 36”

Tracing the Invisible, black, white gesso, oil pastel on canvas, 36” x 24”

Full Moon - January, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - February, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - March, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - April, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - May, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - June, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - July, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - August, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - September, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - October, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - November, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Full Moon - December, black, white gesso, acrylic on canvas, 14” x 11”

Another Day in Paradise, black gesso acrylic and oil pastels on cardboard, 41" x 47"

Fragile, mixed media on canvas, 48” x 36”

Why Waiting for Inspiration is Pointless, acrylic, oil pastel on canvas, 48” x 36”

Pallet of Broken Books, installation, plaster and paint, dimensions vary

Yellow Sheep, oil pastel and acrylic on paper, 28" x 30"

3 girls, Oil pastel and black gesso on paper 22” x 30”

4 a.m., Oil paint on cardboard 15” x 26”

Admiring Chaim Soutine, Watercolor and oil pastel on paper, 16.5” x 22.5”

The Art Lovers, Watercolor on paper, 27” x 14”

The Barefoot Painter Alex Katz, Watercolor on paper, 18” x 24”

The Biodiversity Show #2, Watercolor on paper, 22” x 30”

The Biodiversity Show #3, Watercolor on paper, 22” x 30”

The Biodiversity Show #1, Watercolor on paper, 22” x 30”

Giacometti and the Blind Horse, Watercolor on paper, 24” x 18”

Cattelan The Joker, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

The Desire to Fly, Watercolor on paper, 19” x 22”

Flying Whale #1, Oil pastel and acrylic on paper, 22” x 28”

Flying Whale #2, Oil pastel and acrylic on paper, 22” x 28”

Flying Whale #3, Oil pastel and acrylic on paper, 22” x 28”

The Flying Whales Show #1, Watercolor on paper, 11” x 14”

The Flying Whales Show #2, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

The Flying Whales Show #3, Watercolor on paper, 11” x 14”

Francis B, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

Fresh Paint, Watercolor on paper, 1.5” x 14”

Glued to the Screen #1, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

Glued to the Screen #2, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

Glued to the Screen #3, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

Glued to the Screen #4, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

Hanging around with Baboons, Watercolor on paper, 15” x 21”

Hanging around with Baboons, Watercolor on paper, 15” x 21”

Headless, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

Hyena in the Studio, Watercolor on paper, 8.5” x 13”

In Front of Her Favorite Painting, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

In the Studio at Night, Oil pastel and acrylic on paper, 22” x 28”

Joan the Painter, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

Franz (Kafka) and the Monkey, Oil pastel and acrylic on aluminum foil, 22” x 30”

Lola in the Studio, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

In the Studio with Maurizio, Watercolor and oil pastel on paper, 11.5” x 14”

Nadya the Painter, Watercolor on paper, 6” x 9”

Nude on a Blue Chair, Watercolor on paper, 8.5” x 13”

Outside the Studio at Night, Oil pastel and acrylic on paper, 22” x 28”

Painter with Pig Mask, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

Pig Head #2, Oil pastels and black gesso on paper, 22” x 30”

Pig Head, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

In Front of the Pink Wall, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

Playing with Demons, Oil pastel and black gesso on paper, 22” x 30”

In the Studio Day, Oil pastel and acrylic gesso on paper, 22” x 30”

Large Tapestry #1, Watercolor and markers on canvas, 47” x 91”

Large Tapestry #2, Watercolor and markers on canvas, 47” x 91”

Large Tapestry #3, Watercolor and markers on canvas, 47” x 91”

Tatyana the Digital Artist, Watercolor and acrylic on cardboard and wood with digital animation on iPhone, 5” x 7.5”

The Last Sperm Whale #2, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

The Last Sperm Whale, Watercolor on paper, 15” x 22.5”

The View From The Floor, Watercolor and acrylic on paper, 28” x 21”

The Art Lover, Watercolor on paper, 11.5” x 14”

The Forest, Watercolor on paper, 10” x 10.5”

Waiting for Inspiration (Infront of Painting by Max Beckman), Oil pastels and acrylic on paper, 18” x 22”

Waiting, Watercolor and acrylic on cereal box, 8” x 11”

Daveed Shwartz’s paintings and animation shorts have been exhibited nationally and internationally, including the inaugural show at The Skirball Museum in Los Angeles. He was awarded Winner of Best Animated Short at the 1MINUTO lm festivals in San Paulo, Brazil in 2018.