Nick Taggart’s black and white graphite drawings, acrylic and watercolor paintings explores organic forms and their manifestations in everyday life. As presented in his series Insects and Garden, Taggart engages in the creation of analytical, labor intensive drawings of natural phenomena. Instigated by the changing events in his life. Taggart introduces spontaneity to his latest works including not only critical observations of garden life but also exploring mystic fairy creatures and adding faces to organic forms.
Taggart’s character studies have turned into surreal landscapes leading the viewer to rediscover known elements within mysterious environments. For instance, Lookout Orchid, 2009 presents a surreal landscape with human figures viewing an orchid floating in space. Introducing the viewer to a metamorphic world, Taggart highlights hidden forms found in the orchid and translates them into human physiognomies supported by the large scale of the plant life.